Confronting the Negative Externalities from the Islamic Economics Point of View



The negative externalities as one the important and effective factors that affect the
welfare of the society and because of their consequences, have always been from the
important topics in economics and hence Islamic economics. One of the most
important results of these negative externalities is the damage they will have for the
environment and natural resources. The human being has understood the high
importance of its environment and so has tried to solve the problems that arises from
the misuse of the environment and provide acceptable solutions.
This paper tries to emphasize the obligation of Muslims and Islamic government
toward the environment and for this sake, makes use of Quranic verses, the
traditionn, Fighi sources to provide a framework for the correct way of using the
natural sources in this world. In additions, it tries to shed some lights on the views of
traditional economics in confronting the problem of negative externalities and after
that, provides some practical implications for Muslims and Islamic government to
solve the difficulty of externalities.
