The Conceptual Realm in the Researches of Justice and Development



Justice, growth, progress and development are from the topics that have been
important for the human being in all ages; in fact, they have been the utopia for
everybody in every time. One can very rarely find any school of thought that does
not consider these topics as their main mottos. However, the two concepts of justice
and development has been the area for high discussion between researchers and has
bring about a high level of dichotomy and duality in the human studies. From one
hand, there is a view that believes that these two concepts are contradictory to each
other and on the other hand, there is a view that believes these two concepts are
complementary to each other. So the first point of view is an obstacle toward the
formation of the literature in the theorization of the development and justice area
and the second point of view tries to join these two concepts and hence finds way for
more theoretical research in this field.
This paper tries to do a possibility study in this regards and so defends the second
point of view. For doing so, first of all, the theories of development and income
distribution, which is related to the topic of justice, are evaluated shortly and then,
by decomposing the subjects of justice and development into nine components and
forming a matrix, we draw the realm of research topics in the area of development
and justice. Then, by extending some cells of this matrix into distinguished tables,
we show that there are quite a few research topics for researchers. In other words,
the research map in the field of development and justice is drown.
